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Title: Donoho-Stark and Price uncertainty principles for a class of q-integral transforms with bounded kernels
Author: Castro, L. P.
Guerra, R. C.
Keywords: q-integral transform
q-cosine-Fourier transform
q-sine-Fourier transform
q-Fourier transform
q-Bessel-Fourier transform
q-Dunkl transform
Uncertainty principle
Issue Date: 1-Sep-2024
Publisher: De Gruyter
Abstract: We consider a very global q-integral transform, essentially characterized by having a bounded kernel and satisfying a set of natural and useful properties for the realization of applications. The main ambition of this work is to seek conditions that guarantee uncertainty principles of the Donoho-Stark type for that class of q-integral transforms. It should be noted that the global character of the q-integral transform in question allows one to immediately deduce corresponding Donoho-Stark uncertainty principles for q-integral operators that are its particular cases. These particular cases are very well-known operators, namely: a q-cosine-Fourier transform, a q-sine-Fourier transform, a q-Fourier transform, a q-Bessel-Fourier transform and a q-Dunkl transform. Moreover, generalizations of the local uncertainty principle of Price for the q-cosine-Fourier transform, q-sine-Fourier transform, q-Fourier transform, q-Bessel-Fourier transform and q-Dunkl transform are also obtained.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1515/forum-2023-0244
ISSN: 1435-5337
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:CIDMA - Artigos
FAAG - Artigos

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