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Title: Digital manufacturing of customized products to support musical instrument learning
Author: Oliveira, Rute
Moreno, Davys
Afonso, Daniel
Clemente, Violeta
Keywords: Music learning
Additive manufacturing
Inclusive design
Issue Date: Jul-2022
Publisher: Edições IPCB
Abstract: This work is part of a project that aims to design and develop personalized products, using additive manufacturing technology (commonly 3D printing), to support individuals with physical limitations in learning a musical instrument. An exploratory case study is approached that intends to develop an artifact to aid the learning of violin by an individual with a malformation in the left upper limb. The initial geometry, adapted to the user’s anatomy, was obtained using molding paste. From there, we advanced to the digital model using 3D scanning methods and 3D modeling techniques. Finally, two prototypes were produced, using additive manufacturing techniques using FFF and Polyjet technologies. The evaluation of the prototypes produced was carried out through tests with the user, verifying the need to make adjustments. In the next stages of the work, it is intended to obtain a final artifact completely adapted to the user’s anatomy that allows, facilitates, and helps the learning of the instrument. It is then intended to apply and systematize the knowledge developed through this exploratory case in similar cases.
Peer review: yes
ISBN: 978-989-53300-7-2
Publisher Version:
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