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Title: Biomimetic adhesive micropatterned hydrogel patches for drug release
Author: Amaral, Katia R.
Silva, A. Sofia
Santos, Lúcia F.
Castanheira, Edgar J.
Mendes, Maria C.
Costa, Dora C. S.
Rodrigues, João M. M.
Marto, Joana
Mano, João F.
Keywords: Antibacterial activity
Controlled releases
Natural derived hydrogel patches
Wound healing
Issue Date: 10-Nov-2023
Publisher: Wiley
Abstract: The optimized physical adhesion between bees' leg hairs and pollen grains-whereby the latter's diameter aligns with the spacing between the hairs-has previously inspired the development of a biomimetic drug dressing. Combining this optimized process with the improved natural mussels' adhesion in wet environments in a dual biomimetic process, it is herein proposed the fabrication of a natural-derived micropatterned hydrogel patch of methacrylated laminarin (LAM-MET), with enriched drug content and improved adhesiveness, suitable for applications like wound healing. Enhanced adhesion is accomplished by modifying LAM-MET with hydroxypyridinone groups, following the patch microfabrication by soft lithography and UV/vis-irradiation, resulting in a membrane with micropillars with a high aspect ratio. Following the biomimetics rational, a drug patch is engineered by combining the microfabricated dressing with drug particles milled to fit the spaces between pillars. Controlled drug release is achieved, together with inherent antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and enhanced biocompatibility using the bare micropatterned patches. This new class of biomimetic dressings overcomes the challenges of current patches, like poor mechanical properties and biocompatibility, limited adhesiveness and drug dosage, and lack of prolonged antimicrobial activity, opening new insights for the development of high drug-loaded dressings with improved patient compliance.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202301513
ISSN: 2192-2640
Appears in Collections:CICECO - Artigos
DQ - Artigos

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