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Title: Integration of process modeling and Six Sigma for defect reduction: a case study in a wind blade factory
Author: Oliveira, Daniela
Teixeira, Leonor
Alvelos, Helena
Keywords: Six Sigma
Process capability analysis
Issue Date: 2024
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: The energetic and environmental crisis currently being experienced around the world has brought an exponential growth on the demand for wind energy, and, consequently, real challenges for companies in this sector. Since this industry is relatively new, its production processes require a significant amount of human intervention and have a high variability in the process and high lead times. Therefore, there is a need to focus on the quality of the processes and their improvement. This paper presents the use of the Six Sigma DMAIC approach integrated with Business Process Management, to reduce the number of defects and the repair time in a leading wind blade manufacturing company in Portugal. During the measurement and analysis phases, data was collected to understand the performance of the process and to identify the main problems and their causes. The data was analysed through several graphical and statistical techniques. In the analysis phase, process modeling was also utilized, using Business Process Model and Notation, to identify the critical steps that are responsible for producing the majority of defects. One month after beginning to use this approach, it was possible to notice a reduction in the number of defects by more than 30%, in the repair time by 14%, and an increase in the process sigma level by more than 100%. Thus, this hybrid approach has allowed the company to become more competitive and responsive to the constant growth in demand.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2024.02.131
ISSN: 1877-0509
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