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Title: Misalignment problem in matrix decomposition with missing values
Author: Fernandes, Sofia
Antunes, Mário
Gomes, Diogo
Aguiar, Rui
Keywords: Matrix decomposition
Missing values
Multivariate time-series
Issue Date: 1-Dec-2021
Publisher: Springer
Abstract: Data collection within a real-world environment may be compromised by several factors such as data-logger malfunctions and communication errors, during which no data is collected. As a consequence, appropriate tools are required to handle the missing values when analysing and processing such data. This problem is often tackled via matrix decomposition. While it has been successfully applied in a wide range of applications, in this work we report an issue that has been neglected in literature and “degenerates” the quality of the imputations obtained by matrix decomposition in multivariate time-series (with smooth evolution). Briefly, the problem consists of the misalignment of the matrix decomposition result: the missing values imputations fall within an incorrect range of values and the transitions between observed and imputed values are not smooth. We address this problem by proposing a post-processing alignment strategy. According to our experiments, the post-processing adjustment substantially improves the accuracy of the imputations (when the misalignment occurs). Moreover, the results also suggest that the misalignment occurs mostly when dealing with a small number of time-series due to lack of generalization ability.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1007/s10994-021-05985-w
ISSN: 0885-6125
Appears in Collections:DETI - Artigos
IT - Artigos

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