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Title: Online holistic program to foster health amongst students: a pilot study in a Portuguese University during COVID-19 pandemic
Author: Veiga, Elisa
Duarte, Raquel
Capela, Inês
Pinto, Elisabete
Silva, Margarida
Sá, Cristina
Sá, Luís
Kunz, Sahra
Serra, Sofia
Pereira, Henrique
Machado, Bárbara C.
Gomes, Ana
Pimenta, Ana
Almeida, Armando
Silva, Patrícia O.
Correia, Marta
Keywords: Wellbeing
University students
Pandemic impact
Multidisciplinary interventions
Positive psychology
Artistic and creative activities
Issue Date: 8-Dec-2023
Publisher: Open Science Framework
Abstract: During the COVID-19 pandemic, several preventive mental health interventions took place to increase the psychological well-being of university students due to the high levels of stress, anxiety and negative emotions experienced in that period. This context reinforced the role of universities in supporting students and preventing the mental health risk factors they faced. In this context a multidisciplinary team of professionals (psychologists, nurses, nutritionists, and artists) in the Portuguese Catholic University, gathered efforts and developed an holistic intervention program for university students based on a mind and body integrated approach. This program of 8 online sessions aims to improve students’ resilience to the psychosocial consequences of COVID-19 pandemic and promote their wellbeing. The twenty university students that participated in this pilot study reported that this intervention improved their emotional self-awareness, their ability to apply self-care strategies, as well as they believed it promoted healthier lifestyle changes. These findings suggest that this program consists in an innovative approach with the potential to promote the psychological health and well-being of university students in adverse circumstances.
Peer review: no
DOI: 10.31219/
Appears in Collections:INETmd - Artigos

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