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Title: Эта "простая" и "красивая" математика
Other Titles: This one is “simple” and “beautiful” mathematics
Author: Erusalimskiy, Yakov M.
Malonek, Helmuth
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
Abstract: The textbook covers some issues of elementary mathematics: problems related to monotonicity, maximum-minimum problems, optimization problems, random walk problems, geometric problems; A brief introduction to combinatorics and graph theory is provided. Recommended for students of pedagogical departments of universities as a textbook for the course "Additional chapters of elementary mathematics", as well as for teachers and schoolchildren interested in mathematics.
ISBN: 978-5-9275-3842-3
Appears in Collections:CIDMA - Livro
HMG - Livro

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