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Title: The Effect of Nutrition on Aging-A Systematic Review Focusing on Aging-Related Biomarkers
Author: Leitão, Catarina
Mignano, Anna
Estrela, Marta
Fardilha, Margarida
Figueiras, Adolfo
Roque, Fátima
Herdeiro, Maria Teresa
Keywords: Biomarkers
Cardiovascular disease risk
Healthy aging
Issue Date: 1-Feb-2022
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: Despite the increasing life expectancy, an individual's later years tends to be accompanied by a decrease in the quality of life. Though biological changes that occur through the natural process of aging cannot be controlled, the risk factors associated with lifestyle can. Thus, the main goal of this systematic review was to evaluate how nutrition can modulate aging. For this purpose, thirty-six studies were selected on (i) the efficiency of nutrition's effect on aging, (ii) the evaluation of biomarkers that promote healthy aging, and (iii) how to increase longevity through nutrition, and their quality was assessed. The results showed that choosing low carbohydrate diets or diets rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals, fish, and unsaturated fats, containing antioxidants, potassium, and omega-3 decreased cardiovascular diseases and obesity risk, protected the brain from aging, reduced the risk of telomere shortening, and promoted an overall healthier life. With this study, the conclusion is that since the biological processes of aging cannot be controlled, changing one's nutritional patterns is crucial to prevent the emergence and development of diseases, boost longevity, and, mostly, to enhance one's quality of life and promote healthy aging.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.3390/nu14030554
ISSN: 2072-6643
Appears in Collections:IBIMED - Artigos
DCM - Artigos

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