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Title: Internationalization of Portuguese Academia: the impact on academic engagement and collaboration with society
Author: Queirós, Anabela
Carvalho, Teresa
Manatos, Maria
Diogo, Sara
Keywords: Academic engagement
International mobility
Internationalization of research
Institutional policy
Knowledge production
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Springer Nature
Abstract: Higher Education Institutions are expected to stimulate the innovation system and to contribute to the development of societies in a global perspective. Within this context, there is an increasing focus on internationalization. HEIs are developing institutional mechanisms to support internationalization while academics are expected to carry specific practices that allow them to improve the internationalization of knowledge production. At the same time, they are encouraged to engage with non-academic partners to co-produce and transfer knowledge, contributing, in this way, to economic and social development. Although there is some research on the impact of internationalization on academic entrepreneurship, studies on the effects in other dimensions of academic engagement with society are almost absent. This paper aims to fill this gap by analyzing the relationship between academics’ internationalization practices and perceptions and the development of different types of academic engagement. Our analysis draws on quantitative analysis with data provided by an international survey (APIKS) and explores the Portuguese context. Findings show that the different practices and perspectives on internationalization impact differently on the way scientists engage. While there are positive effects of internationalization of research on engagement, the time academics stay abroad and the high focus on publishing in internationally high-rated journals may negatively affect academics’ orientation towards the local community. This paper contributes to the debate on the role of the internationalization in the context of a knowledge-based society, considering different dimensions and a broad spectrum of knowledge-based engagement activities.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1007/s10734-023-01090-0
ISSN: 0018-1560
Appears in Collections:CIPES - Artigos
DCSPT - Artigos

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