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Title: An exploratory study on the emergency remote education experience of higher education students and teachers during the COVID-19 pandemic
Author: Oliveira, Gabriella
Grenha Teixeira, Jorge
Torres, Ana
Morais, Carla
Keywords: COVID-19
Emergency remote education
Higher education
Online learning
Qualitative research
Technology-mediated learning
Issue Date: Jul-2021
Publisher: British Educational Research Association
Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic situation has pushed many higher education institutions into a fast-paced, and mostly unstructured, emergency remote education process. In such an unprecedented context, it is important to understand how technology is mediating the educational process and how teachers and students are experiencing the change brought by the pandemic. This research aims to understand how the learning was mediated by technology during the early stages of the pandemic and how students and teachers experienced this sudden change. Data were collected following a qualitative research design. Thirty in-depth and semi-structured interviews (20 students and 10 teachers) were obtained and analysed following a thematic analysis approach. Results provide evidence on the adoption of remote education technologies due to the pandemic with impacts on the education process, ICT platforms usage and personal adaptation. The emergency remote education context led to mixed outcomes regarding the education process. Simultaneously, ICT platforms usage was mostly a positive experience and personal adaptation was mostly a negative experience. These results bring new insights for higher education organizations on actions they could take, such as curating the learning experience with standard, institutional-wide platforms, appropriate training for students and teachers, and suitable remote evaluation practices.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1111/bjet.13112
ISSN: 0007-1013
Appears in Collections:ISCA-UA - Artigos

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