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Title: The hidden RNA code: implications of the RNA epitranscriptome in the context of viral infections
Author: Ribeiro, Diana Roberta
Nunes, Alexandre
Ribeiro, Daniela
Soares, Ana Raquel
Keywords: RNA epitranscriptome
Virus-host cell interactions
Host antiviral response
Non-coding RNAs
Issue Date: 1-Aug-2023
Publisher: Frontiers Media
Abstract: Emerging evidence highlights the multifaceted roles of the RNA epitranscriptome during viral infections. By modulating the modification landscape of viral and host RNAs, viruses enhance their propagation and elude host surveillance mechanisms. Here, we discuss how specific RNA modifications, in either host or viral RNA molecules, impact the virus-life cycle and host antiviral responses, highlighting the potential of targeting the RNA epitranscriptome for novel antiviral therapies.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2023.1245683
Appears in Collections:IBIMED - Artigos
DCM - Artigos

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