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Title: Design & develop a smart learning city environment for sustainability
Author: Marques, Margarida M.
Pombo, Lúcia
Keywords: Mobile learning
Augmented reality
Game-based learning
Education for Sustainable Development
Design-based research
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: IATED
Abstract: To progress towards the goals of the 2030 Agenda, citizens must have opportunities to develop key competences in sustainability. Mobile devices, augmented reality and outdoor games can be mobilized to promote education for Sustainable Development for diverse target publics. Thus, there is a need of research changes in sustainable development competences in citizens brought about by the exploration of a smart learning city environment, sustained by mobile Augmented Reality (AR) game-based resources. This is a work-in-progress report on a design-based research approach for development of the technological facet of a smart learning city environment for education for sustainable development, under the EduCITY project. It is expected that the EduCITY will produce a technology-enhanced intervention, using a mobile app with AR challenging games, co-created by citizens through an open and easy to use access platform, supporting participatory dynamics. Once the games are created, the citizens can also explore AR games in strategic paths in the city. The games are grounded in city-based aggregating topics, promoting education in context and lifelong learning. It is a challenging and ambitious endeavour, where citizens commit to transformation and engage in it for the benefit of cities’ quality of life and sustainability. Nevertheless, several difficulties are foreseen that need to be addressed, such as issues regarding AR triggering and interactivity, and connectivity with environmental sensors. Future work involves several cycles of testing the prototype and, after a functional version, the organization of sessions for game co-creation and, afterwards, the preparation of activities for the community to play the games in the city. These experiences enlarge the creative, multi/interdisciplinary response that seeks to provide situated learning opportunities for all, throughout the creation of participatory dynamics involving the academy and the community. The EduCITY contribution for the knowledge progress is its innovative framework based on a grounded, participatory, and user centred approach for the development of key competences for sustainable development, by using a smart technology and moving Education to a Smart City. This is anchored on a community-based participatory project integrating AR location games based on challenges, to be explored in the city, in formal, non-formal and informal educational contexts, in a socio constructivism approach.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.21125/iceri.2022.1377
ISBN: 978-84-09-45476-1
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:CIDTFF - Capítulo de livro

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