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Title: Customizing 3D structures of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes to direct neural stem cell differentiation
Author: Nascimento, Luís
Fernandes, Cristiana
Silva, Ricardo M.
Semitela, Ângela
Sousa, Bárbara M. de
Marques, Paula A. A. P.
Vieira, Sandra I.
Silva, Rui F.
Barroca, Nathalie
Gonçalves, Gil
Keywords: Capillary-driven
Free-standing carbon nanotubes
Neural tissue engineering
Vertically aligned carbon nanotubes
Issue Date: 13-Jun-2023
Publisher: Wiley
Abstract: Neural tissue-related illnesses have a high incidence and prevalence in society. Despite intensive research efforts to enhance the regeneration of neural cells into functional tissue, effective treatments are still unavailable. Here, a novel therapeutic approach based on vertically aligned carbon nanotube forests (VA-CNT forests) and periodic VA-CNT micropillars produced by thermal chemical vapor deposition is explored. In addition, honeycomb-like and flower-like morphologies are created. Initial viability testing reveals that NE-4C neural stem cells seeded on all morphologies survive and proliferate. In addition, free-standing VA-CNT forests and capillary-driven VA-CNT forests are created, with the latter demonstrating enhanced capacity to stimulate neuritogenesis and network formation under minimal differentiation medium conditions. This is attributed to the interaction between surface roughness and 3D-like morphology that mimics the native extracellular matrix, thus enhancing cellular attachment and communication. These findings provide a new avenue for the construction of electroresponsive scaffolds based on CNTs for neural tissue engineering.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1002/adhm.202300828
ISSN: 2192-2640
Appears in Collections:TEMA - Artigos
CICECO - Artigos
IBIMED - Artigos
DEM - Artigos

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