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Title: The role of influencer marketing: a case study in the gas and fuel sector
Author: Parracho, Catarina
Santos, Sara
Keywords: Influencer marketing
Types of influencers
Social media engagement
Issue Date: 19-Jun-2023
Publisher: UA Editora
Abstract: Currently, consumers look for much information about brands on the Internet, specifically through the disclosure made by digital influencers. Understanding this behaviour, brands seek to create partnerships with influencers (celebrities, macro, micro and nano) to attract consumers and provoke high engagement with brands online. In this context, brands create partnerships with influencers to increase their reach, generate more significant interaction and consequently improve brand value. This study aimed to analyze the role of different influencers in a communication strategy in the gas and fuel sector. The study comprised a quantitative analysis through a questionnaire with a sample of 143 individuals. The results showed that most participants considered influencers specialists in their work area and used shared content as a source of information.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.34624/iciemc.v0i4.32165
ISSN: 2184-9102
Appears in Collections:ISCA-UA - Artigos

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