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Title: Dynamics of a double-impulsive control model of integrated pest management using perturbation methods and Floquet theory
Author: Al Basir, Fahad
Chowdhury, Jahangir
Torres, Delfim F. M.
Keywords: Integrated pest management (IPM)
Impulsive differential equations
Floquet theory
Perturbation method
Numerical simulations
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: We formulate an integrated pest management model to control natural pests of the crop through the periodic application of biopesticide and chemical pesticides. In a theoretical analysis of the system pest eradication, a periodic solution is found and established. All the system variables are proved to be bounded. Our main goal is then to ensure that pesticides are optimized, in terms of pesticide concentration and pesticide application frequency, and that the optimum combination of pesticides is found to provide the most benefit to the crop. By using Floquet theory and the small amplitude perturbation method, we prove that the pest eradication periodic solution is locally and globally stable. The acquired results establish a threshold time limit for the impulsive release of various controls as well as some valid theoretical conclusions for effective pest management. Furthermore, after a numerical comparison, we conclude that integrated pest management is more effective than single biological or chemical controls. Finally, we illustrate the analytical results through numerical simulations.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.3390/axioms12040391
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Appears in Collections:CIDMA - Artigos
SCG - Artigos

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