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Title: Natural compounds as metabolic modulators of the tumor microenvironment
Author: Dias, Ana S.
Helguero, Luisa
Almeida, Catarina R.
Duarte, Iola F.
Keywords: Tumor microenvironment
Stromal cells
Metabolic modulation
Natural compounds
Issue Date: 8-Jun-2021
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: The tumor microenvironment (TME) is a heterogenous assemblage of malignant and non-malignant cells, including infiltrating immune cells and other stromal cells, together with extracellular matrix and a variety of soluble factors. This complex and dynamic milieu strongly affects tumor differentiation, progression, immune evasion, and response to therapy, thus being an important therapeutic target. The phenotypic and functional features of the various cell types present in the TME are largely dependent on their ability to adopt different metabolic programs. Hence, modulating the metabolism of the cells in the TME, and their metabolic crosstalk, has emerged as a promising strategy in the context of anticancer therapies. Natural compounds offer an attractive tool in this respect as their multiple biological activities can potentially be harnessed to '(re)-educate' TME cells towards antitumoral roles. The present review discusses how natural compounds shape the metabolism of stromal cells in the TME and how this may impact tumor development and progression.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.3390/molecules26123494
Appears in Collections:CICECO - Artigos
IBIMED - Artigos
DQ - Artigos
DCM - Artigos

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