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Title: Technofeminism: multi and transdisciplinary contemporary views of women in technology
Author: Frade, Renata (ed.)
Vairinhos, Mário (ed.)
Veloso, Ana Isabel
Wajcman, Judy
Moura, Ana Silveira
Miranda, Biamichelle
Berger, Carolina
Kaufman, Dora
Gouveia, Patrícia
Lima, Luciana
Chivukula, Sai Shruthi
Viseu, Ana
Keywords: Feminismo
Tecnologia - Aspectos sociais
Mulheres - Literacia digital - Portugal
Issue Date: Apr-2023
Publisher: UA Editora
Abstract: No abstract available.
DOI: 10.48528/0wyd-p294
ISBN: 978-972-789-836-7
Appears in Collections:DigiMedia - Livro

Formato BibTex MendeleyEndnote Degois 

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