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Title: Using statolith elemental signatures to confirm ontogenetic migrations of the squid Doryteuthis gahi around the Falkland Islands (Southwest Atlantic)
Author: Jones, Jessica B.
Arkhipkin, Alexander I.
Marriott, Andy L.
Pierce, Graham J.
Keywords: Doryteuthis gahi
Laser ablation ICP-MS
Trace elements
Issue Date: 20-Mar-2018
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: The Patagonian long-finned squid Doryteuthis gahi is an abundant commercial species within Falkland Island waters. The population consists of two temporally distinct spawning cohorts, inferred to have markedly different patterns of migration and timings of ontogenetic events. Ontogenetic migrations of each cohort were confirmed by analysis of the chemical composition of statoliths collected from both cohorts in two consecutive years. Trace element concentrations were quantified using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS), to determine temporal and cohort-specific variation. Individual ablation craters, ablated in a transect from the nucleus to the rostrum edge, were aged to produce high-resolution elemental chronologies. Generalized additive mixed models (GAMM) indicated that cohort and life history stage had a significant effect on Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios. Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios were both negatively correlated with near-bottom water temperature, with Ba/Ca also potentially correlated to depth. Statolith elemental chronologies have useful applications as natural tags, discriminating between spawning cohorts.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2018.01.034
ISSN: 0009-2541
Appears in Collections:CESAM - Artigos
DBio - Artigos

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