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Title: Effects of triclosan on early development of Solea senegalensis: from biochemical to individual level
Author: Araújo, M. J.
Quintaneiro, C.
Soares, A. M. V. M.
Monteiro, M. S.
Keywords: Cholinesterases
Oxidative stress
Personal care products
Issue Date: Nov-2019
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: Harmful effects of triclosan (TCS) have been reported on several organisms; however, effects on early life stages of marine vertebrates are limited. Therefore, the objective of this work was to assess the effects of TCS during early development of the flatfish Solea senegalensis after initial characterization of cholinesterases (ChEs) and determination of selected biochemical markers baseline levels. Characterization of ChEs and determination of biochemical markers baseline levels of cholinergic activity, energy metabolism and oxidative stress were analysed in sole at 3 days after hatching (dah) and at the onset and end of metamorphosis. To assess TCS effects, fish were exposed during 96h to 30-500 μg L-1 TCS until 3 dah. Fish at 13 dah were exposed during 48h to 200-1,500 μg L-1 TCS and maintained until complete metamorphosis. Effects on survival, malformations, length, metamorphosis progression and biochemical markers were evaluated. The main ChE active form present in sole early life stages is acetylcholinesterase and baseline levels of oxidative stress and energy metabolism biomarkers changed according to fish developmental stage. Triclosan induced malformations (EC50 = 180 μg L-1 at 3 dah), decreased growth (95 μg L-1 at 3 dah; 548 μg L-1 at 24 dah) and affected metamorphosis progression (391 μg L-1 at 17 dah). Impairment of antioxidant system was observed, with TCS affecting catalase at the end of metamorphosis test, however, no oxidative damage on lipids was detected. Glutathione S-transferase was the most sensitive endpoint during early larval test (LOEC = 30 μg L-1). Exposure to TCS affected S. senegalensis at individual and sub-individual levels, both at early larval stage and during the critical period of metamorphosis.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2019.06.183
ISSN: 0045-6535
Appears in Collections:CESAM - Artigos
DBio - Artigos

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