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Title: Development of WC-NiCrMo hardmetals
Author: Pereira, P.
Rocha, A.M. Ferro
Bastos, A.C.
Oliveira, F.J.
Vilhena, L.M.
Ramalho, A.
Sacramento, J.
Malheiros, L.F.
Senos, A.M.R.
Keywords: Alternative binders
Thermodynamic assessment
Sintering behaviour
Corrosion resistance
Wear resistance
Issue Date: Apr-2023
Publisher: Elsevier
Abstract: The demand for improved components with a wide range of properties is a reality in today's hardmetal market. Furthermore, supply shortages of raw materials such as W and especially Co resulted in rapid price fluctuations. Combined with stricter environmental legislation and health protection, these facts prompt the demand for alternative or modified binders. Therefore, in this work, WC-NiCrMo composites were developed as a potential alternative to conventional WC-Co hardmetals. To evaluate this new hardmetal composite, prototypes of submicrometric WC with approximately 15 vol% of NiCrMo binder were produced by conventional powder metallurgy route. Thermodynamic assessment, wettability testing and constant heating rate dilatometry were performed to design an adequate sintering route. A detailed characterization of the mechanical properties (Young's modulus, Vickers hardness and fracture toughness), together with corrosion resistance assessment (OCP, polarization curves, EIS) and abrasive wear (ball-cratering) resistance evaluation were undertaken. Good wettability of molten NiCrMo binder on WC surface was observed, and highly dense compacts could be successfully attained by gas pressure sintering. The new WC-NiCrMo composite has lower hardness but higher corrosion resistance and better wear resistance than the conventional WC-Co hardmetals.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrmhm.2023.106147
ISSN: 0263-4368
Appears in Collections:CICECO - Artigos
DEMaC - Artigos
ESTGA - Artigos

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