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Title: Yang-Mills instantons in an asymptotically locally flat background: Taub-NUT vs. Taub-Bolt
Author: Radu, E.
Issue Date: Feb-2022
Publisher: IOP Publishing; European Physical Society; Società Italiana di Fisica; EDP Sciences; EPL Association
Abstract: We present arguments for the existence of a one-parameter family of self-dual Yang-Mills instantons in the background of Taub-NUT and Taub-Bolt spaces. These solutions are finite everywhere and generically carry a non-integer Pontryagin charge. The Taub-NUT space configurations can be considered as interpolating (when varying the NUT parameter) between the Prasad-Sommerfield and BPST instantons.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/ac535e
ISSN: 0295-5075
Appears in Collections:CIDMA - Artigos
DMat - Artigos
GGDG - Artigos

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