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Title: Cellular metals: fabrication, properties and applications
Author: Duarte, Isabel
Vesenjak, Matej
Fiedler, Thomas
Krstulović-Opara, Lovre
Keywords: Cellular metals
Metal foams
Nanocomposite and composite foams
Hybrid structures based on cellular materials
Unidirectional cellular structures
Lattice materials
Powder metallurgy
Direct foaming method
Foaming kinetics
Pore morphology
X-ray radioscopy
X-ray tomoscopy
X-ray computed tomography
Mehanical, thermal and acoustic properties
Experimental characterization
Infrared thermography
Mechanical characterization
Thermal characterization
Acoustic characterization
Computational simulation
Theoretical modelling
Finite element simulation
Issue Date: Jul-2021
Publisher: MDPI
Abstract: Cellular solids and porous metals have become some of the most promising lightweight multifunctional materials due to their superior combination of advanced properties mainly derived from their base material and cellular structure. They are used in a wide range of commercial, biomedical, industrial, and military applications. In contrast to other cellular materials, cellular metals are non-flammable, recyclable, extremely tough, and chemically stable and are excellent energy absorbers. The manuscripts of this Special Issue provide a representative insight into the recent developments in this field, covering topics related to manufacturing, characterization, properties, specific challenges in transportation, and the description of structural features. For example, a presented strategy for the strengthening of Al-alloy foams is the addition of alloying elements (e.g., magnesium) into the metal bulk matrix to promote the formation of intermetallics (e.g., precipitation hardening). The incorporation of micro-sized and nanosized reinforcement elements (e.g., carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide) into the metal bulk matrix to enhance the performance of the ductile metal is presented. New bioinspired cellular materials, such as nanocomposite foams, lattice materials, and hybrid foams and structures are also discussed (e.g., filled hollow structures, metalpolymer hybrid cellular structures).
DOI: 10.3390/books978-3-0365-1039-2
ISBN: 978-3-0365-1038-5
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:DEM - Livro
TEMA - Livro

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