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Title: String teaching in the 21st Century: bridges between research and practice
Author: Foletto, Clarissa
Alves, Jorge
Queiroz, Dora de
Keywords: String teaching
Music education
European String Teachers Association
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: Edições Politema
Abstract: The 48th International ESTA Conference marked the first Online conference in the history of ESTA. The conference theme “Bridges between research and practice” encouraged the teachers, students and researchers of the ESTA family and abroad to reflect and discuss String teaching in 21st Century. The 21 articles published in this book show how we can join forces to create, develop and disseminate our collective knowledge and experience about string teaching. We hope that this book can be a contribution by ESTA Portugal to this field and an attempt to fill the gap between research and practice.
Appears in Collections:INETmd - Livro

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