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Title: Procedures of user-centered usability assessment for digital solutions: scoping review of reviews reporting on digital solutions relevant for older adults
Author: Silva, Anabela G.
Caravau, Hilma
Martins, Ana
Almeida, Ana Margarida Pisco
Silva, Telmo
Ribeiro, Óscar
Santinha, Gonçalo
Rocha, Nelson P.
Keywords: Mobile phone
User-centered design
Issue Date: 13-Jan-2021
Publisher: JMIR Publications
Abstract: The assessment of usability is a complex process that involves several steps and procedures. It is important to standardize the evaluation and reporting of usability procedures across studies to guide researchers, facilitate comparisons across studies, and promote high-quality usability studies. The first step to standardizing is to have an overview of how usability study procedures are reported across the literature.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.2196/22774
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