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Title: TGF-β cascade regulation by PPP1 and its interactors: impact on prostate cancer development and therapy
Author: Korrodi-Gregório, Luís
Silva, Joana Vieira
Santos-Sousa, Luís
Freitas, Maria João
Felgueiras, Juliana
Fardilha, Margarida
Keywords: TGF-β
Prostate cancer
Signal transduction therapy
Issue Date: Apr-2014
Publisher: Wiley Open Access
Abstract: Protein phosphorylation is a key mechanism by which normal and cancer cells regulate their main transduction pathways. Protein kinases and phosphatases are precisely orchestrated to achieve the (de)phosphorylation of candidate proteins. Indeed, cellular health is dependent on the fine-tune of phosphorylation systems, which when deregulated lead to cancer. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) pathway involvement in the genesis of prostate cancer has long been established. Many of its members were shown to be hypo- or hyperphosphorylated during the process of malignancy. A major phosphatase that is responsible for the vast majority of the serine/threonine dephosphorylation is the phosphoprotein phosphatase 1 (PPP1). PPP1 has been associated with the dephosphorylation of several proteins involved in the TGF-β cascade. This review will discuss the role of PPP1 in the regulation of several TGF-β signalling members and how the subversion of this pathway is related to prostate cancer development. Furthermore, current challenges on the protein phosphatases field as new targets to cancer therapy will be addressed.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1111/jcmm.12266
ISSN: 1582-1838
Appears in Collections:CBC - Artigos
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