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Title: Cell encapsulation in liquified compartments: Protocol optimization and challenges
Author: Correia, Clara R.
Ghasemzadeh-Hasankolaei, Maryam
Mano, João F.
Keywords: Alginate
Liquefied Capsules
Cell Encapsulation
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine
3D Cell Culture Systems
Issue Date: 21-Jun-2019
Publisher: Public Library of Science
Abstract: Cell encapsulation is a widely used technique in the field of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERM). However, for the particular case of liquefied compartmentalised systems, only a limited number of studies have been reported in the literature. We have been exploring a unique cell encapsulation system composed by liquefied and multilayered capsules. This system transfigured the concept of 3D scaffolds for TERM, and was already successfully applied for bone and cartilage regeneration. Due to a number of appealing features, we envisage that it can be applied in many other fields, including in advanced therapies or as disease models for drug discovery. In this review, we intend to highlight the advantages of this new system, while discussing the methodology, and sharing the protocol optimization and results. The different liquefied systems for cell encapsulation reported in the literature will be also discussed, considering the different encapsulation matrixes as core templates, the types of membranes, and the core liquefaction treatments.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0218045
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Appears in Collections:CICECO - Artigos

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