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Title: Teacher´s guide on occupational safety and health education: exploring “OSH! What a Bright Idea"
Author: Rodrigues, Fernanda
Clemente, Mariana Ribeiro
Vieira, Rui
Neves, Rui
Almeida, Ana Margarida
Pedro, Luís
Beja, Joana
Keywords: Educação para a saúde
Saúde ocupacional
Papel dos professores
Motivação para a aprendizagem
Pensamento crítico
Issue Date: Jan-2020
Publisher: UA Editora
Abstract: The Mind Safety – Safety Matters (hereinafter referred to as MS-SM) project aim to improve and innovate methods of teaching safety and health issues in the classroom, motivating and preparing young people to work in safe conditions, encouraging them to be more aware about Occupational Safety and Health (hereinafter referred to as OSH) themes and to understand the need to know about safety and health.
ISBN: 978-972-789-633-2
Publisher Version:
Appears in Collections:CIDTFF - Livro
DigiMedia - Livro
RISCO - Livro

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