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Title: Using students’ voice towards quality improvement of Angolan secondary physic classes
Author: Breganha, Maria da Graça
Lopes, Betina da Silva
Costa, Nilza
Keywords: Angola
Physics classes
Secondary education
Students’ voice
Quality education
Issue Date: 2018
Abstract: Educational research points to similar learning experiences across different countries, in particular that physical science tends to be an unpopular discipline among students from secondary school. The use of students’ voice to adapt curriculum and implement innovative teaching practice has been gaining relevance towards the effort of potentiating positive and meaningful learning experiences. The present research discusses the voice of 1139 Angolan students from one public school attending the first cycle of secondary education (7th to 9th grade) considering their physics classes. Students’ voice was accessed through the application of a questionnaire which included open and closed questions, some in the format of statements requiring students to indicate their individual opinion. Descriptive statistics to ten specific aspects of their physics classes points to a global scenario of transmissive teaching and a lack of laboratorial and technological resources. Moreover, laboratorial work, suggested in national curriculum to cover topics in Physics, and students’ involvement in assessment seems to decrease from 7th to 9th grade. Identified patterns revealed to be statistically significant. Based on these results three specific recommendations for educational stakeholders are presented. The consideration of students’ voice in curriculum and school management is particularly innovative, not only but also for Angolan contexts and particularly relevant considering that the Angolan curriculum reform is presently under evaluation. Finally, educational researchers around the world may find relevant insights for their own educational challenges taking into account the milestones associated to the fourth goal of the Sustainable Development Goals, which is focused in assuring a quality education for all.
Peer review: yes
ISSN: 1822-7864
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Appears in Collections:CIDTFF - Artigos

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