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Title: Encapsulation of probiotic strains in plain or cysteine-supplemented alginate improves viability at storage below freezing temperatures
Author: Sousa, Sérgio
Gomes, Ana M.
Pintado, Maria M.
Malcata, Francisco X.
Silva, José P.
Sousa, José M.
Costa, Paulo
Amaral, Maria H.
Rodrigues, Dina
Rocha-Santos, Teresa A. P.
Freitas, Ana Cristina
Keywords: Alginate
Functional food
Issue Date: 2012
Publisher: Wiley
Abstract: Four probiotic bacteria (Lactobacillus paracasei L26, L. casei-01, L. acidophilus Ki, and Bifidobacterium animalis BB-12 R ) were encapsulated in plain alginate or alginate supplemented with L-cysteine·HCl, and resulting microcapsules were stored at differenttemperatures,namely21,4,−20,or−80◦Cforaperiodofupto6months. The results showed that the encapsulation in calcium alginate microcapsules was only effective in promoting protection at freezing temperatures, independently of the sensitivity of the strain. Storage of calcium alginate microcapsules at−80◦C indicatedaprotectiveeffectuponviabilityofallfourprobioticstrainsandthepresence of L-cysteine·HCl in the alginate matrix improved protection upon cell viability of B. animalis BB-12 R . An increase in storage temperature of encapsulated bacteria caused an increase in rate of loss in their viability that was strain dependent. This study suggests that microencapsulation of probiotic cells in calcium alginate can be suitableforsustainingtheviabilityofprobioticsinfoodproductsthatrequirestorage below freezing temperatures, even in the absence of cryoprotectors, contributing to an increased shelf life.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1002/elsc.201200007
ISSN: 1618-0240
Appears in Collections:CESAM - Artigos
DQ - Artigos

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