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Title: Network analysis approach to stroke care and assistance provision: an empirical study
Author: Szczygiel, Nina
Santana, Silvina
Keywords: Network analysis
Care and assistance provision
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: De Gruyter Open
Abstract: To model and analyse stroke care and assistance provision in the Portuguese context from the network perspectve. We used the network theory as a theoretcal foundaton for the study. The model proposed by Frey et al. (2006) was used to elicit and comprehend possible interactons and relatons between organisatons expected to be involved in the provision of care and assistance to stroke patents in their pathway to rehabilitaton. Providers were identfed and contacted to evaluate the nature and intensity of relatonships. Network analysis was performed with the NodeXL sofware package. Analysis of 509 enttes based on about 260 000 entries indicates that stroke care provision in the evaluated context is best captured in the coaliton-collaboraton setng, which appears to best demonstrate the character of the network. Informaton from analysis of the collaboraton stage was not sufcient to determine the network dynamics. Applicaton of the network theory to understand interorganisatonal dynamics of the complex health care context. Empirical validaton of the model proposed by Frey et al. (2006) in terms of its operatonalisaton and the way it actually reflects the practcal context. Examinaton and analysis of interorganisatonal relatonships and its contributon to management of compound health care context involving actors from various sectors.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1515/emj-2017-0011
ISSN: 2543-912X
Appears in Collections:GOVCOPP - Artigos

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