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Title: Krause's model of opinion dynamics on isolated time scales
Author: Girejko, Ewa
Machado, Luís
Malinowska, Agnieszka B.
Martins, Natália
Keywords: Discrete dynamical systems
Consensus formation
Cluster formation
Bounded confidence
Opinion dynamics
Time scale calculus
Issue Date: Dec-2016
Publisher: Wiley
Abstract: We analyze a bounded confidence model, introduced by Krause, on isolated time scales. In this model, each agent takes into account only the assessments of the agents whose opinions are not too far away from its own opinion. We show that the behavior of the model depends strongly on the graininess function μ: If μ takes values in the interval ]0,1], then our discrete time scale model behaves similarly to the classical one, but if μ takes values in ]1,+∞[, then the model has different properties. Simulations are performed to validate the theoretical results.
Peer review: yes
DOI: 10.1002/mma.3916
ISSN: 1099-1476
Appears in Collections:CIDMA - Artigos
SCG - Artigos

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