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Showing results 40866 to 40885 of 41253 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
23-Dec-2015Walk2Bactive: a randomised controlled trial of a physical activity-focused behavioural intervention beyond pulmonar rehabilitation in chronic obstructive pulmonary diseaseCruz, Joana; Brooks, Dina; Marques, AldaarticleopenAccess
1-Sep-2016Walk2Bactive: Patients' perspectives of a physical activity-focused intervention beyond pulmonary rehabilitation in COPDCruz, Joana; Brooks, Dina; Marques, AldaconferenceObjectopenAccess
2015Walking clinic in ambulatory surgery: a patient based concept: a Portuguese pioneer projectVinagreiro, M.; Valverde, J. N.; Alves, D.; Costa, Marco; Gouveia, P.; Guerreiro, E.articleopenAccess
12-Dec-2022Walking down memory lane: a virtual reality approach to support the study of the mnemonic tuning for contaminationSilva, Diana Rafaela GomesmasterThesisopenAccess
Oct-2019Walking in the park with augmented reality towards education enhancementOliveira, Samantha; Pombo, Lúcia; Marques, Margarida M.conferenceObjectopenAccess
1-Jan-2015“Walking on broken glass”: the changing nature of gendered constraints to career development and performanceCosta, Carlos; Durão, Marília; Bakas, Fiona; Breda, Zélia; Carvalho, Inês; Caçador, SandraarticleopenAccess
2011Walls of the saltpans of the Aveiro Lagoon, Portugal: current status and proposed new solutions using geosyntheticsCarlos, D. M.; Pereira, M.; Costa, S.; Pinho-Lopes, M.; Coelho, C.articlerestrictedAccess
2022Walsh-coded orthogonal chaotic shift keying for key distribution in visible light communication systemsSilvério, Tiago; Figueiredo, Gonçalo; Ferreira, Rute A.S.; André, Paulo S.articleembargoedAccess
4-Oct-2016Warm little inflatonBastero-Gil, Mar; Berera, Arjun; Ramos, Rudnei O.; Rosa, João G.articleopenAccess
24-Apr-2019Warm little inflaton becomes cold dark matterRosa, João Pedro Trancoso Gomes; Ventura, Luís BastosarticleopenAccess
10-Nov-2019Warm Little Inflaton becomes Dark EnergyRosa, João G.; Ventura, Luís B.articleopenAccess
2014Wascyli Simões dos Anjos: metodologias EMUFRNGouveia, Rodrigo Borges LimamasterThesisopenAccess
2014\"Washing-out\" ionic liquids from polyethylene glycol to form aqueous biphasic systemsTome, Luciana I. N.; Pereira, Jorge F. B.; Rogers, Robin D.; Freire, Mara G.; Gomes, Jose R. B.; Coutinho, Joao A. P.articlerestrictedAccess
2016Waste glass from end-of-life fluorescent lamps as raw material in geopolymersNovais, Rui M.; Ascensão, G.; Seabra, M.P.; Labrincha, J.A.articleopenAccess
2016Waste glass from end-of-life fluorescent lamps as raw material in geopolymersNovais, Rui M.; Ascensao, G.; Seabra, M. P.; Labrincha, J. A.articlerestrictedAccess
17-Jul-2013Waste heat recovery in the ceramic industrySapa, IhormasterThesisopenAccess
20-Aug-2018Waste mitigation: from an effluent of apple juice concentrate industry to a valuable ingredient for food and feed applicationsCruz, Marco G.; Bastos, Rita; Pinto, Mariana; Ferreira, João M.; Santos, João F.; Wessel, Dulcineia Ferreira; Coelho, Elisabete; Coimbra, Manuel A.articleopenAccess
1987Waste stabilization ponds as teaching and research toolsHall, A.; Duarte, A. C.; Oliveira, J. P.articleopenAccess
Feb-2018Waste-based alternative adsorbents for the remediation of pharmaceutical contaminated waters: Has a step forward already been taken?Silva, Carla Patrícia; Jaria, Guilaine; Otero, Marta; Esteves, Valdemar I; Calisto, VâniaarticleopenAccess
2010Wastewater bacterial communities bring together broad-host range plasmids, integrons and a wide diversity of uncharacterized gene cassettesMoura, Alexandra; Henriques, Isabel; Smalla, Kornelia; Correia, AntónioarticlerestrictedAccess