Browsing by Author Vaz, Patricia M.
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2013 | Engineering highly efficient Eu(III)-based tri-ureasil hybrids toward luminescent solar concentrators | Nolasco, Mariela M.; Vaz, Patricia M.; Freitas, Vania T.; Lima, Patricia P.; Andre, Paulo S.; Ferreira, Rute A. S.; Vaz, Pedro D.; Ribeiro-Claro, Paulo; Carlos, Luis D. | article |  |
2014 | A green- emitting a- substituted a- diketonate Tb3+phosphor for ultraviolet LED- based solid- state | Nolasco, Mariela M.; Vaz, Patricia M.; Vaz, Pedro D.; Ferreira, Rute A. S.; Lima, Patricia P.; Carlos, Luis D. | article |  |
2014 | Modelling the luminescence of extended solids: an example of a highly luminescent MCM-41 impregnated with a Eu3+ beta-diketonate complex | Felicio, Mario R.; Nunes, Teresa G.; Vaz, Patricia M.; Botas, A. M. P.; Ribeiro-Claro, Paulo; Ferreira, Rute A. S.; Freire, Ricardo O.; Vaz, Pedro D.; Carlos, Luis D.; Nunes, Carla D.; Nolasco, Mariela M. | article |  |