Browsing by Author Valente, J.
Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
Feb-2012 | Airways changes related to air pollution exposure in wheezing children | Martins, P. C.; Valente, J.; Papoila, A. L.; Caires, I.; Araújo-Martins, J.; Mata, P.; Lopes, M.; Torres, S.; Rosado-Pinto, J.; Borrego, C.; Annesi-Maesano, I.; Neuparth, N. | article |  |
2013 | CFD modelling of the aerodynamic effect of trees on urban air pollution dispersion | Amorim, J. H.; Rodrigues, V.; Tavares, R.; Valente, J.; Borrego, C. | article |  |
2010 | Contribution of residential wood combustion to PM10 levels in Portugal | Borrego, C.; Valente, J.; Carvalho, A.; Sá, E.; Lopes, M.; Miranda, A. I. | article |  |
2010 | Monitoring fire-fighters’ smoke exposure and related health effects during Gestosa experimental fires | Miranda, A. I.; Martins, V.; Cascão, P.; Amorim, J. H.; Valente, J.; Tavares, R.; Tchepel, O.; Borrego, C.; Cordeiro, C. R.; Ferreira, A. J.; Viegas, D. X.; Ribeiro, L. M.; Pita, L. P. | article |  |