Browsing by Author Sharma, Seema
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2014 | Dielectric and magnetic studies of (NKNLS)(1-x)-(NZFO)(x) multiferroic composites | Rai, Radheshyam; Sharma, Seema; Rani, Rashmi; Pereira, Andre; Monteiro Almeida, Abilio de Jesus | article |  |
2013 | Dielectric behavior and impedance analysis of lead-free CuO doped (Na0.50K0.50)(0.95)(Li0.05Sb0.05Nb0.95)O-3 ceramics | Rani, Rashmi; Sharma, Seema; Rai, Radheshyam; Kholkin, Andrei L. | article |  |
2013 | Effect of BaTiO3 additive on the electrical properties of Na0.50Bi0.50TiO3 lead free ceramics | Sharma, Dhananjay K.; Kumar, Nawnit; Sharma, Seema; Rai, Radheshyam | article |  |
2015 | Effect of Potassium Content on the Dielectric and Electrical Properties of Sodium Potassium Niobate Ceramics | Sharma, Dhananjay K.; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Kumari, Suman; Sharma, Seema | article |  |
2013 | Enhanced ferroelectric and magnetic properties of perovskite structured Bi1-x-yGdxLayFe1-yTiyO3 magnetoelectric ceramics | Rai, Radheshyam; Valente, M. A.; Bdikin, Igor; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Sharma, Seema | article |  |
2013 | Impedance spectroscopy and piezoresponse force microscopy analysis of lead-free (1-x) K0.5Na0.5NbO3 - xLiNbO(3) ceramics | Rai, Radheshyam; Coondoo, Indrani; Rani, Rashmi; Bdikin, Igor; Sharma, Seema; Kholkin, Andrei L. | article |  |
2013 | Influence of Li and La content on phase structures and electrical properties of K0.5Na0.5NbO3 lead-free piezoelectric ceramics | Rai, Radheshyam; Rani, Rashmi; Sharma, Seema; Kholkin, Andrei L. | article |  |
2014 | Study of electrical and magnetic properties of Sa, La and Pb doped Bi1-x-yDyxCyFe1-yTiyO3 perovskite ceramics | Rai, Radheshyam; Valente, M. A.; Bdikin, Igor; Kholkin, Andrei L.; Sharma, Seema | article |  |