Browsing by Author Sebastião, Raquel

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
Nov-2022Analysis of physiological responses during pain inductionSebastião, Raquel; Bento, Ana; Brás, SusanaarticleopenAccess
29-Jan-2023Biometric recognition: a systematic review on electrocardiogram data acquisition methodsPereira, Teresa M. C.; Conceição, Raquel C.; Sencadas, Vítor; Sebastião, RaquelarticleopenAccess
27-Nov-2023Breast MRI Multi-Tumor Segmentation using 3D Region GrowingPelicano, Ana Catarina; Godinho, Daniela M.; Gonçalves, Maria C. T.; Castela, Tiago; Orvalho, Maria Lurdes; Sencadas, Vitor; Sebastião, Raquel; Conceição, Raquel C.; Pereira, Teresa M. C.articlerestrictedAccess
2-Feb-2023Characterisation of physiological responses to odours in autism spectrum disorders: a preliminary studyPereira, Lara; Grave, Joana; Noll, Janina; Derntl, Birgit; Soares, Sandra C.; Brás, Susana; Sebastião, RaquelarticleopenAccess
2022Characterization of emotions through facial electromyogram signalsPereira, Lara; Brás, Susana; Sebastião, RaquelbookPartrestrictedAccess
31-Aug-2022Characterization of postoperative pain through electrocardiogram: a first approachSebastião, RaquelbookPartembargoedAccess
2021Classification of anxiety based on EDA and HRSebastião, RaquelbookPartopenAccess
1-Mar-2021Classification of critical levels of CO exposure of firefigthers through monitored heart rateSebastião, Raquel; Sorte, Sandra; Fernandes, José M.; Miranda, Ana I.articleopenAccess
2014Comparing data distribution using fading histogramsSebastião, Raquel; Gama, João; Mendonça, TeresabookPartopenAccess
2014Constructing fading histograms from data streamsSebastião, Raquel; Gama, João; Mendonça, TeresaarticleopenAccess
2012Contributions to a decision support system based on depth of anesthesia signalsSebastião, Raquel; Silva, Margarida Martins da; Gama, João; Mendonça, TeresabookPartrestrictedAccess
1-Jun-2019Detecting changes in the heart rate of firefighters to prevent smoke inhalation and health effectsSebastião, Raquel; Sorte, Sandra; Valente, Joana; Miranda, Ana I.; Fernandes, José MariaarticlerestrictedAccess
2022Exploring alterations in electrocardiogram during the postoperative painPais, Daniela; Brás, Susana; Sebastião, RaquelbookPartrestrictedAccess
2017Fading histograms in detecting distribution and concept changesSebastião, Raquel; Gama, João; Mendonça, TeresaarticleopenAccess
2016Inhalation during fire experiments: an approach derived through ECGSebastião, Raquel; Sorte, Sandra; Valente, Joana; Miranda, Ana I.; Fernandes, José MariabookPartrestrictedAccess
2-Mar-2022Initial study using electrocardiogram for authentication and identificationPereira, Teresa M. C.; Conceição, Raquel C.; Sebastião, RaquelarticleopenAccess
2012Online evaluation of a changes detection algorithm for depth of anesthesia signalsSebastião, Raquel; Silva, Margarida M.; Rabiço, Rui; Gama, João; Mendonça, TeresaarticlerestrictedAccess
2022A preliminary case study: predicting postoperative pain through electrocardiogramSebastião, RaquelbookPartembargoedAccess
15-Jul-2022A Preliminary study on electrocardiogram response during pain inductionBento, Ana; Brás, Susana; Sebastião, RaquelbookPartembargoedAccess
2013Real-time algorithm for changes detection in depth of anesthesia signalsSebastião, Raquel; Silva, Margarida M.; Rabiço, Rui; Gama, João; Mendonça, TeresaarticleopenAccess