Browsing by Author Rodrigues, Fernanda

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Showing results 1 to 19 of 19
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2022Application of deep learning approach for the classification of buildings’ degradation state in a BIM methodologyRodrigues, Fernanda; Cotella, Victoria; Rodrigues, Hugo; Rocha, Eugénio; Freitas, Felipe; Matos, RaquelarticleopenAccess
2-Aug-2023BIM-FM integrated solution resourcing to digital techniquesMatos, Raquel; Rodrigues, Hugo; Costa, Aníbal; Rodrigues, FernandaarticlerestrictedAccess
Jun-2021Building Condition Assessment supported by Building Information ModellingMatos, Raquel; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Rodrigues, Hugo; Costa, AníbalarticlerestrictedAccess
2022Building condition indicators analysis for BIM-FM integrationMatos, Raquel; Rodrigues, Hugo; Costa, Aníbal; Rodrigues, FernandaarticlerestrictedAccess
May-2018Building life cycle applied to refurbishment of a traditional building from Oporto, PortugalRodrigues, Fernanda; Matos, Raquel; Alves, Ana; Ribeirinho, Paulo; Rodrigues, HugoarticleopenAccess
2023Convolutional neural networks and regression algorithms supporting buildings facility managementMatos, Raquel; Rodrigues, Hugo; Costa, Aníbal; Rodrigues, FernandaarticleopenAccess
20-Feb-2020Development of an online digital resource accessible for students with visual impairment or blindness: challenges and strategiesAlmeida, Ana Margarida Pisco; Beja, Joana; Pedro, Luís; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Clemente, Mariana; Vieira, Rui; Neves, RuiarticleopenAccess
Jan-2020A dynamic multi-criteria decision-making model for the maintenance planning of reinforced concrete structuresBenitez, P.; Rocha, Eugénio; Varum, Humberto; Rodrigues, FernandaarticleopenAccess
30-Jun-2019Efficiency analysis of optimal inspection management for reinforced concrete structures under carbonation-induced corrosion riskBenítez, Pablo; Rocha, Eugénio; Talukdar, Sudip; Varum, Humberto; Rodrigues, FernandaarticlerestrictedAccess
2023Facility manager perspectives on building condition assessment for Portuguese higher education institutionsMatos, Raquel; Rodrigues, Hugo; Costa, Aníbal; Requejo, Cristina; Rodrigues, FernandaarticleopenAccess
2019Frontier Analysis on Optimal Inspection Times for Reinforced Concrete StructuresBenítez, Pablo; Rocha, Eugénio; Rodrigues, FernandaarticleopenAccess
1-Apr-2019Generation and assessment of local climatic data from numerical meteorological codes for calibration of building energy modelsSilvero, Fabiana; Lops, Camilla; Montelpare, Sergio; Rodrigues, FernandaarticleopenAccess
May-2024Guia de referência para professores: abordagem de ensino aprendizagem da metodologia BIMNývlt, Vladimír; Vytlačil, Dalibor; Demel, Jiří; Kaiser, Jiří; Švamberková, Lucie; Prušková, Kristýna; Dědič, Martin; Veselka, Jakub; Šinkner, Robert; Jirotková, Lucie; Rodrigues, Hugo; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Alves, Ana; Sugiyama, Gabriel; Clemen, Christian; Schäfer, Kathleen; Meyer-Ros, Kerstin; Bong, AlexanderbookopenAccess
May-2022Interactions between seismic safety and energy efficiency for masonry infill walls: a shift of the paradigmFurtado, André; Rodrigues, Hugo; Arêde, António; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Varum, HumbertoarticleopenAccess
May-2024Lecturing reference guide: BIM teaching approachNývlt, Vladimír; Vytlačil, Dalibor; Demel, Jiří; Kaiser, Jiří; Švamberková, Lucie; Prušková, Kristýna; Dědič, Martin; Veselka, Jakub; Šinkner, Robert; Jirotková, Lucie; Rodrigues, Hugo; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Alves, Ana; Sugiyama, Gabriel; Clemen, Christian; Schäfer, Kathleen; Meyer-Ros, Kerstin; Bong, AlexanderbookopenAccess
2021Seismic precast: seismic performance assessment of existing precast industrial buildingsFurtado, André; Arêde, António; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Rodrigues, Hugo; Vitorino, Hugo; Varum, Humberto; Ostetto, Liana; Batalha, Nádia; Fernandes, Paulo; Sousa, Romain; Silva, VítorbookopenAccess
18-Feb-2022Sensing technology applications in the mining industry - a systematic reviewDuarte, Joana; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Branco, Jacqueline CasteloarticleopenAccess
Oct-2020Strategies to support facility management resourcing building information modellingMatos, Raquel; Rodrigues, Fernanda; Rodrigues, Hugo; Costa, AníbalconferenceObjectopenAccess
Jan-2020Teacher´s guide on occupational safety and health education: exploring “OSH! What a Bright Idea"Rodrigues, Fernanda; Clemente, Mariana Ribeiro; Vieira, Rui; Neves, Rui; Almeida, Ana Margarida; Pedro, Luís; Beja, JoanabookopenAccess