Browsing by Author Robbiano, María

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2017An overview on Randic (Normalized Laplacian) spreadAndrade, Enide; Freitas, Maria Aguieiras A. de; Robbiano, María; San Martin, B.bookPartrestrictedAccess
17-Jul-2018Block matrices and Guo’s index for block circulant matrices with circulant blocksAndrade, Enide; Manzaneda, Cristina; Nina, Hans; Robbiano, MaríaarticleopenAccess
15-Oct-2019Bounds for different spreads of line and total graphsAndrade, Enide; Lenes, Eber; Mallea-Zepeda, Exequiel; Robbiano, María; Rodríguez Z., JonnathanarticleopenAccess
Oct-2013Copies of a rooted weighted graph attached to an arbitrary weighted graph and applicationsCardoso, Domingos M.; Martins, Enide A.; Robbiano, María; Rojo, OscararticleopenAccess
1-Mar-2020Extremal graphs for Estrada indicesAndrade, Enide; Lenes, Eber; Mallea-Zepeda, Exequiel; Robbiano, María; Rodríguez Z., JonnathanarticleopenAccess
Oct-2014Ky Fan theorem applied to Randić energyGutman, Ivan; Martins, Enide A.; Robbiano, María; Martín, Bernardo SanarticlerestrictedAccess
1-Jan-2020A lower bound for the energy of hypoenergetic and non hypoenergetic graphsAndrade, Enide; R. Carmona, Juan; Infante, Geraldine; Robbiano, MaríaarticleopenAccess
15-Jan-2017A lower bound for the energy of symmetric matrices and graphsAndrade, Enide; Robbiano, María; Martín, B. SanarticleopenAccess
Apr-2019New bounds for the signless Laplacian spreadAndrade, Enide; Dahl, Geir; Leal, Laura; Robbiano, MaríaarticleopenAccess
Jan-2018New lower bounds for the Randić spreadAndrade, Enide; Freitas, Maria Aguieiras A. de; Robbiano, María; Rodríguez, JonnathanarticleopenAccess
1-Sep-2024On energies of graphs with given independence number and families of hyperenergetic graphsAndrade, Enide; Lenes, Eber; Robbiano, MaríaarticleopenAccess
2014On Randic SpreadGomes, Helena; Gutman, Ivan; Martins, Enide Andrade; Robbiano, María; San Martin, B.articleopenAccess
30-Jan-2024On spectral invariants of the α-mixed adjacency matrixAndrade, Enide; Lenes, Eber; Pizarro Pamela; Robbiano, María; Rodríguez, JonnathanarticleembargoedAccess
1-Jan-2020On the energy of singular and non singular graphsAndrade, Enide; Carmona, Juan R.; Poveda, Alex; Robbiano, MaríaarticleopenAccess
1-Apr-2020On the spectra of some g-circulant matrices and applications to nonnegative inverse eigenvalue problemAndrade, Enide; Arrieta, Luis; Manzaneda, Cristina; Robbiano, MaríaarticleopenAccess
15-Aug-2018Realizable lists on a class of nonnegative matricesAndrade, Enide; Manzaneda, Cristina; Robbiano, MaríaarticleopenAccess
15-May-2022Some families of integral mixed graphsAndrade, Enide; Bonifácio, Andréa Soares; Robbiano, María; Rodríguez, Jonnathan; Tapia, KatherinearticleembargoedAccess
2017Spectra and Randic spectra of caterpillar graphs and applications to the energyAndrade, Enide; Gomes, Helena; Robbiano, MaríaarticleopenAccess
28-Oct-2024The largest ABC eigenvalue and the ABC energy of generalized Bethe treesAndrade, Enide; Lenes, Eber; Monroy, Catalina; Robbiano, MaríaarticlerestrictedAccess
2014Upper Bounds for Randic SpreadGomes, Helena; Martins, Enide; Robbiano, María; San Martín, BernardoarticleopenAccess