Showing results 1 to 20 of 26
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
Aug-2016 | All one-loop scalar vertices in the effective potential approach | Camargo-Molina, José Eliel; Morais, António P.; Pasechnik, Roman; Sampaio, Marco O. P.; Wessén, Jonas | article |  |
2023 | CDF II W-mass anomaly faces first-order electroweak phase transition | Addazi, Andrea; Marcianò, Antonino; Morais, António P.; Pasechnik, Roman; Yang, Hao | article |  |
1-May-2022 | Collider phenomenology of new neutral scalars in a flavoured multi-Higgs model | Ferreira, Pedro M.; Gonçalves, João Pedro Pino; Morais, António P.; Onofre, António; Pasechnik, Roman; Vatellis, Vasileios | article |  |
2023 | Deep learning searches for vector-like leptons at the LHC and electron/muon colliders | Morais, António P.; Onofre, António; Freitas, Felipe F.; Gonçalves, João; Pasechnik, Roman; Santos, Rui | article |  |
5-Jul-2018 | Electroweak phase transitions in multi-Higgs models: the case of Trinification-inspired THDSM | Vieu, Thibault; Morais, António P.; Pasechnik, Roman | article |  |
2023 | Exploring mixed lepton-quark interactions in non-resonant leptoquark production at the LHC | Gonçalves, João; Morais, António P.; Onofre, António; Pasechnik, Roman | article |  |
Aug-2024 | Exploring the viability of a pseudo-Nambu-Goldstone boson as ultralight dark matter in a mass range relevant for strong gravity applications | Morais, António P.; Oliveira, Vinícius; Onofre, António; Pasechnik, Roman; Santos, Rui | article |  |
2023 | Gauge couplings evolution from the standard model, through Pati–Salam Theory, into E8 unification of families and forces | Aranda, Alfredo; Anda, Francisco J. de; Morais, António P.; Pasechnik, Roman | article |  |
2024 | Generating gravitational waveform libraries of exotic compact binaries with deep learning | Freitas, Felipe F.; Herdeiro, Carlos A. R.; Morais, António P.; Onofre, António; Pasechnik, Roman; Radu, Eugen; Sanchis-Gual, Nicolas; Santos, Rui | article |  |
2024 | Generating gravitational waveform libraries of exotic compact binaries with deep learning | Freitas, Felipe F.; Herdeiro, Carlos A. R.; Morais, António P.; Onofre, António; Pasechnik, Roman; Radu, Eugen; Sanchis-Gual, Nicolas; Santos, Rui | article |  |
1-Sep-2023 | Gravitational echoes of lepton number symmetry breaking with light and ultralight Majorons | Addazi, Andrea; Marcianò, Antonino; Morais, António P.; Pasechnik, Roman; Viana, João; Yang, Hao | article |  |
10-Aug-2020 | Gravitational footprints of massive neutrinos and lepton number breaking | Addazi, Andrea; Marcianò, Antonino; Morais, António P.; Pasechnik, Roman; Srivastava, Rahul; Valle, José W. F. | article |  |
2-Apr-2022 | Gravitational-wave signatures of chiral-symmetric technicolor | Yang, Hao; Freitas, Felipe F.; Marcianò, Antonino; Morais, António P.; Pasechnik, Roman; Viana, João | article |  |
6-Nov-2020 | How low-scale trinification sheds light in the flavor hierarchies, neutrino puzzle, dark matter, and leptogenesis | Cárcamo Hernández, A. E.; Huong, D. T.; Kovalenko, Sergey; Morais, António; Pasechnik, Roman; Schmidt, Ivan | article |  |
1-Mar-2022 | Impact of SM parameters and of the vacua of the Higgs potential in gravitational waves detection | Freitas, Felipe F.; Lourenço, Gabriel; Morais, António P.; Nunes, André; Olívia, João; Pasechnik, Roman; Santos, Rui; Viana, João | article |  |
2023 | Interplay between flavor anomalies and neutrino properties | Freitas, Felipe F.; Gonçalves, João; Morais, António P.; Pasechnik, Roman; Porod, Werner | article |  |
2022 | Phenomenology at the large hadron collider with deep learning: the case of vector-like quarks decaying to light jets | Freitas, Felipe F.; Gonçalves, João; Morais, António P.; Pasechnik, Roman | article |  |
2022 | Phenomenology of a flavored multiscalar Branco-Grimus-Lavoura-like model with three generations of massive neutrinos | Ferreira, P. M.; Freitas, Felipe F.; Gonçalves, João; Morais, António P.; Pasechnik, Roman; Vatellis, Vasileios | article |  |
Jan-2021 | Phenomenology of vector-like leptons with Deep Learning at the Large Hadron Collider | Freitas, Felipe F.; Gonçalves, João; Morais, António P.; Pasechnik, Roman | article |  |
22-Apr-2020 | Probing multi-step electroweak phase transition with multi-peaked primordial gravitational waves spectra | Morais, António P.; Pasechnik, Roman | article |  |