Browsing by Author Keizer, J. Jacob
Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2013 | Assessing the role of pre-fire ground preparation operations and soil water repellency in post-fire runoff and inter-rill erosion by repeated rainfall simulation experiments in Portuguese eucalypt plantations | Malvar, Maruxa C.; Martins, Martinho A. S.; Nunes, João P.; Robichaud, Peter R.; Keizer, J. Jacob | article |  |
Mar-2019 | Effect of moss crusts on mitigation of post-fire soil erosion | Silva, Flávio C.; Vieira, Diana C.S.; van der Spek, Els; Keizer, J. Jacob | article |  |
Jun-2021 | Effectiveness of post-fire soil erosion mitigation treatments: a systematic review and meta-analysis | Girona-García, Antonio; Vieira, Diana C. S.; Silva, Joana; Fernández, Cristina; Robichaud, Peter R.; Keizer, J. Jacob | article |  |
2012 | Germination in five shrub species of Maritime Pine understory - does seed provenance matter? | Vasques, Ana; Maia, Paula; Pedro, Mariana; Santos, Conceição; Vallejo, V. Ramón; Keizer, J. Jacob | article |  |
2013 | Runoff and inter-rill erosion in a maritime pine and a eucalypt plantation following wildfire and terracing in north-central portugal | Martins, Martinho A. S.; Machado, Ana I.; Serpa, Dalila; Prats, Sergio A.; Faria, Sílvia R.; Varela, María E. T.; González-Pelayo, Óscar; Keizer, J. Jacob | article |  |
2017 | Short-term effects of post-fire salvage logging on runoff and soil erosion | Malvar, Maruxa C.; Silva, Flávio C.; Prats, Sergio A.; Vieira, Diana C.S.; Coelho, Celeste O.A.; Keizer, J. Jacob | article |  |
2014 | The role of cold storage and seed source in the germination of three Mediterranean shrub species with contrasting dormancy types | Vasques, Ana; Vallejo, V. Ramón; Santos, M. Conceição; Keizer, J. Jacob | article |  |
2013 | The role of seed provenance in the early development of Arbutus unedo seedlings under contrasting watering conditions | Vasques, Ana; Chirino, Esteban; Vilagrosa, Alberto; Vallejo, V. Ramón; Keizer, J. Jacob | article |  |