Browsing by Author Julião, Diana

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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
15-Aug-2018Desulfurization of liquid fuels by extraction and sulfoxidation using H2O2 and [CpMo(CO)3R] as catalystsJulião, Diana; Gomes, Ana C.; Pillinger, Martyn; Valença, Rita; Ribeiro, Jorge C.; Gonçalves, Isabel S.; Balula, Salete S.articleopenAccess
15-May-2022Dichloro and dimethyl dioxomolybdenum(VI)-bipyridine complexes as catalysts for oxidative desulfurization of dibenzothiophene derivatives under extractive conditionsJulião, Diana; Gomes, Ana C.; Cunha-Silva, Luís; Pillinger, Martyn; Gonçalves, Isabel S.; Balula, Salete S.articleopenAccess
Aug-2019Dichlorodioxomolybdenum(VI) complexes bearing oxygen-donor ligands as catalysts for oxidative desulfurization of simulated and real dieselJulião, Diana; Gomes, Ana C.; Cunha-Silva, Luís; Pillinger, Martyn; Lopes, André D.; Valença, Rita; Ribeiro, Jorge C.; Gonçalves, Isabel S.; Balula, Salete S.articleopenAccess
Aug-2016A recyclable ionic liquid-oxomolybdenum(VI) catalytic system for the oxidative desulfurization of model and real diesel fuelJulião, Diana; Gomes, Ana C.; Pillinger, Martyn; Valença, Rita; Ribeiro, Jorge C.; Gonçalves, Isabel S.; Balula, Salete S.articlerestrictedAccess
5-Jan-2020A sustainable peroxophosphomolybdate/H2O2 system for the oxidative removal of organosulfur compounds from simulated and real high-sulfur dieselsJulião, Diana; Gomes, Ana C.; Cunha-Silva, Luís; Valença, Rita; Ribeiro, Jorge C.; Pillinger, Martyn; de Castro, Baltazar; Gonçalves, Isabel S.; Balula, Salete S.articleopenAccess