Browsing by Author Ferreira, J.M.F.
Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
Feb-2016 | Antibiotic-loaded Sr-doped porous calcium phosphate granules as multifunctional bone grafts | Marques, C.F.; Lemos, A.; Vieira, S.I.; Silva, O.A.B. da Cruz e; Bettencourt, A.; Ferreira, J.M.F. | article |  |
Aug-2016 | Ba-doped ZnO nanostructure: X-ray line analysis and optical properties in visible and low frequency infrared | Zamiri, Reza; Chenari, Hossein Mahmoudi; Moafi, H.F.; Shabani, Mehdi; Salehizadeh, S.A.; Rebelo, Avito; Kumar, J. Suresh; Graça, M.P.F.; Soares, M.J.; Ferreira, J.M.F. | article |  |
2016 | Deposition, structure, physical and invitro characteristics of Ag-doped beta-Ca-3(PO4)(2)/chitosan hybrid composite coatings on Titanium metal | Singh, Ram Kishore; Awasthi, Sharad; Dhayalan, Arunkumar; Ferreira, J.M.F.; Kannan, S. | article |  |
Jul-2022 | Independent and complementary bio-functional effects of CuO and Ga2O3 incorporated as therapeutic agents in silica- and phosphate-based bioactive glasses | Tite, T.; Popa, A.C.; Stuart, B.W.; Fernandes, H.R.; Chirica, I.M.; Lungu, G.A.; Macovei, D.; Bartha, C.; Albulescu, L.; Tanase, C.; Nita, S.; Rusu, N.; Grant, D.M.; Ferreira, J.M.F.; Stan, G.E. | article |  |
2016 | A new class of closed-cell aluminium foams reinforced with carbon nanotubes | Duarte, I.; Ventura, E.; Olhero, S.; Ferreira, J.M.F. | article |  |