Browsing by Author Daniel-da-Silva, A. L.
Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2013 | Core-shell magnetite-silica dithiocarbamate-derivatised particles achieve the Water Framework Directive quality criteria for mercury in surface waters | Lopes, C. B.; Figueira, P.; Tavares, D. S.; Lin, Z.; Daniel-da-Silva, A. L.; Duarte, A. C.; Rocha, J.; Trindade, T.; Pereira, E. | article |  |
2016 | Inflammatory responses of a human keratinocyte cell line to 10 nm citrate- and PEG-coated silver nanoparticles | Bastos, V.; Brown, D.; Johnston, H.; Daniel-da-Silva, A. L.; Duarte, I. F.; Santos, C.; Oliveira, H. | article |  |
Nov-2011 | Removal of mercury (II) by dithiocarbamate surface functionalized magnetite particles: application to synthetic and natural spiked waters | Figueira, P.; Lopes, C. B.; Daniel-da-Silva, A. L.; Pereira, E.; Duarte, A. C.; Trindade, T. | article |  |
Apr-2008 | Rheological behavior of thermoreversible k-carrageenan/nanosilica gels | Daniel-da-Silva, A. L.; Pinto, F.; Lopes-da-Silva, J. A.; Trindade, T.; Goodfellow, B. J.; Gil, A. M. | article |  |
2015 | Silver-gelatine bionanocomposites for qualitative detection of a pesticide by SERS | Fateixa, S.; Soares, S. F.; Daniel-da-Silva, A. L.; Nogueira, H. I. S.; Trindade, T. | article |  |
2016 | The influence of Citrate or PEG coating on silver nanoparticle toxicity to a human keratinocyte cell line | Bastos, V.; Ferreira de Oliveira, J. M. P.; Brown, D.; Jonhston, H.; Malheiro, E.; Daniel-da-Silva, A. L.; Duarte, I. F.; Santos, C.; Oliveira, H. | article |  |