Browsing by Author Couto, Carlos

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Showing results 1 to 14 of 14
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
2023Accuracy of 2D numerical models towards the prediction of the fire resistance on LSF partition wallsPiloto, Paulo A.G.; Gomes, Stephan; Torres, Leonardo; Couto, Carlos; Vila Real, PauloarticleopenAccess
2024Assessment of post-earthquake fire capacity of RC frames without seismic designVitorino, Hugo; Vila Real, Paulo; Sousa, Romain; Couto, Carlos; Rodrigues, HugoarticleopenAccess
Sep-2019Behaviour of slender plates in case of fire of different stainless steel gradesArrais, Flávio; Lopes, Nuno; Real, Paulo Vila; Couto, CarlosconferenceObjectopenAccess
2023Fire local stability of steel I-sections under simple load casesLi, Liya; Paquet, Jeanne; Couto, Carlos; Vila Real, Paulo; Boissonnade, NicolasarticlerestrictedAccess
2023Improved fire design of steel I-sections under combined compression and bendingLi, Liya; Paquet, Jeanne; Couto, Carlos; Vila Real, Paulo; Boissonnade, NicolasarticlerestrictedAccess
2022Machine learning models for predicting the resistance of axially loaded slender steel columns at elevated temperaturesTong, Qi; Couto, Carlos; Gernay, ThomasarticlerestrictedAccess
Jul-2022Neural network models for the critical bending moment of uniform and tapered beamsCouto, CarlosarticleopenAccess
2023Numerical study of the fire behaviour of external walls in light steel framingTorres, Leonardo; Couto, Carlos; Vila Real, Paulo; Piloto, PauloarticleopenAccess
2024Parametric analysis of post-earthquake fire resistance of reinforced concrete frames without seismic designVitorino, Hugo; Vila Real, Paulo; Couto, Carlos; Rodrigues, HugoarticleopenAccess
2024Parametric study on the buckling of unbraced steel frames under fire situationSilva, Thiago; Couto, Carlos; Vila Real, Paulo; Lopes, NunoarticleopenAccess
2022Post-earthquake fire assessment of reinforced concrete frame structuresVitorino, Hugo; Real, Paulo Vila; Couto, Carlos; Rodrigues, HugoarticlerestrictedAccess
2022Predicting the capacity of thin-walled beams at elevated temperature with machine learningCouto, Carlos; Tong, Qi; Gernay, ThomasarticleopenAccess
Nov-2018Resistência ao fogo da secção transversal de perfis esbeltos em aço inoxidávelLopes, Nuno; Couto, Carlos; Azevedo, Jorge Raposo; Real, Paulo VilaconferenceObjectopenAccess
2024Review of design approaches for steel columns subjected to localised fires: insights from the 2nd generation Eurocode modelPossidente, Luca; Couto, Carlos; Tondini, Nicola; Vila Real, PauloarticleopenAccess