Browsing by Author Boltz, Marie
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2016 | Nurse perception of care of hospitalized older adults: a comparative study between northern and central regions of Portugal | Tavares, João Paulo de Almeida; Silva, Alcione Leite da; Sá-Couto, Pedro; Boltz, Marie; Capezuti, Elizabeth | article |  |
Mar-2015 | Portuguese nurses’ knowledge of and attitudes toward hospitalized older adults | Tavares, João Paulo de Almeida; Silva, Alcione Leite da; Sá-Couto, Pedro; Boltz, Marie; Capezuti, Elizabeth | article |  |
1-Jul-2021 | The role of frailty in predicting 3 and 6 months functional decline in hospitalized older adults: findings from a secondary analysis | Tavares, João; Sá Couto, Pedro; Reis, João Duarte; Boltz, Marie; Capezuti, Elizabeth | article |  |