Browsing by Author Sousa, A.

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Showing results 5 to 16 of 16 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
Aug-2009Distribution of synthetic organotins and total tin levels in Mytilus galloprovincialis along the Portuguese coastSousa, A.; Ikemoto, T.; Takahashi, S.; Barroso, C.; Tanabe, S.articlerestrictedAccess
Apr-2008Effect of low salinity on the survival of recently hatched veliger of Nassarius reticulatus (L.) in estuarine habitats: A case study of Ria de AveiroGenio, L.; Sousa, A.; Vaz, N.; Dias, J. M.; Barroso, C.articlerestrictedAccess
2003Effect of pressure and blanching treatments on endogenous enzymatic activity and vitamin C content of bell pepper fruitCastro, S.; Saraiva, J.; Delgadillo, I.; Sousa, A.articlerestrictedAccess
1-Dec-2020Femoral revision knee Arthroplasty with Metaphyseal sleeves: the use of a stem is not mandatory of a structural point of viewFonseca, F.; Sousa, A.; Completo, A.articleopenAccess
2007Integrative assessment of organotin contamination in a southern European estuarine system (Ria de Aveiro, NW Portugal): Tracking temporal trends in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the EU banSousa, A.; Matsudaira, C.; Takahashi, S.; Tanabe, S.; Barroso, C.articlerestrictedAccess
Dec-2021Longevity-associated microbial and evolutionary signatures in the gut of old miceMelo-Miranda, R.; Sousa, A.conferenceObjectopenAccess
2010Occurrence and sources of selected phenolic endocrine disruptors in Ria de Aveiro, PortugalJonkers, N.; Sousa, A.; Galante-Oliveira, S.; Barroso, C. M.; Kohler, H. P. E.; Giger, W.articlerestrictedAccess
4-Sep-2022Pulmonary rehabilitation changes the oral microbiota of people with COPDMelo-Dias, S.; Cabral, M.; Furtado, A.; Souto-Miranda, S.; Cravo, J.; Mendes, A.; Almeida, C.; Marques, A.; Sousa, A.conferenceObjectopenAccess
Nov-2022Responsiveness to pulmonary rehabilitation is related with changes in oral microbiota of people with COPDMelo-Dias, S.; Cabral, M.; Furtado, A.; Souto-Miranda, S.; Marques, A.; Mendes, M. A.; Cravo, J.; Almeida, C. R.; Sousa, A.conferenceObjectopenAccess
2021Supported Ionic Liquids as New Strategies to Reduce Toxicity of Cyclophosphamide in Aqueous SolutionsFrancisco, R.; Monteiro, B.; Venâncio, C.; Santos, M.; Silva, F. A. e; Neves, M. C.; Sousa, A.; Freire, M. G.conferenceObjectopenAccess
2021The effect of pulmonary rehabilitation in salivary microbiota of people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a longitudinal studyFurtado, A.; Melo-Dias, S.; Cabral, M.; Marques, A.; Sousa, A.conferenceObjectopenAccess
2005The importance of target audiences in the design of training actionsPetiz, S.; Sousa, A.; Oliveira, F. M.; Santana, S.conferenceObjectopenAccess