Showing results 21 to 40 of 41
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2001 | Optical doping of nitrides by ion implantation | Alves, E.; Lorenz, K.; Vianden, R.; Boemare, C.; Soares, M.J.; Monteiro, T. | article |  |
2003 | Optical doping of ZnO with Tm by ion implantation | Rita, E.; Alves, E.; Wahl, U.; Correia, J.G.; Neves, A.J.; Soares, M.J.; Monteiro, T. | article |  |
2003 | Optical properties and transport in PLD-GaN | Niehus, M.; Sanguino, P.; Monteiro, T.; Soares, M.J.; Pereira, E.; Vieira, M.; Koynov, S.; Schwarz, R. | article |  |
Jun-2003 | Photoluminescence and damage recovery studies in Fe-implanted ZnO single crystals | Monteiro, T.; Boemare, C.; Soares, M.J.; Rita, E.; Alves, E. | article |  |
Dec-2005 | Photoluminescence of zinc oxide supported on submicron silica particles | Neves, M.C.; Trindade, T.; Peres, M.; Wang, J.; Soares, M.J.; Neves, A.; Monteiro, T. | article |  |
2001 | Photoluminescence studies in ZnO samples | Boemare, C.; Monteiro, T.; Soares, M.J.; Guilherme, J.G.; Alves, E. | article |  |
Jun-2020 | Sharp photoluminescence of Pr3+ ions in yttrium oxyfluoride nanospheres: thermographic phosphor characteristics using the fluorescence intensity ratio technique | Suresh Kumar, J.; Pavani, K.; Graça, M.P.F.; Soares, M.J. | article |  |
Oct-2004 | Spontaneous emission enhancement in micropatterned GaN | Niehus, M.; Sanguino, P.; Monteiro, T.; Soares, M.J.; Schwarz, R. | article |  |
2006 | Stability and luminescence studies of Tm and Er implanted ZnO single crystals | Rita, E.; Alves, E.; Wahl, U.; Correia, J.G.; Monteiro, T.; Soares, M.J.; Neves, A.; Peres, M. | article |  |
2004 | Stability and optical activity of Er implanted MgO | Pinto, J.V.; Silva, R.C. da; Alves, E.; Soares, M.J.; Monteiro, T.; González, R. | article |  |
2011 | Structural and optical properties of Er implanted AlN thin films: green and infrared photoluminescence at room temperature | Soares, M.J.; Leitão, J.P.; Silva, M.I.N. da; González, J.C.; Matinaga, F.M.; Lorenz, K.; Alves, E.; Peres, M.; Monteiro, T. | article |  |
2007 | Structural and optical properties of Er3+ ion in sol-gel grown LiNbO3 | Graça, M.P.F.; Valente, M.A.; Peres, M.; Cruz, A.; Soares, M.J.; Neves, A.J.; Monteiro, T.; Alves, L.C.; Alves, E. | article |  |
Jan-2007 | Structural and photoluminescence properties of ZnO nanoparticles on silicon oxide | Giannakopoulos, K.; Boukos, N.; Travlos, A.; Monteiro, T.; Soares, M.J.; Peres, M.; Neves, A.; Carmo, M.C. | article |  |
2002 | Study of calcium implanted GaN | Alves, E.; Liu, C.; Lopes, E.B.; Da Silva, M.F.; Soares, J.C.; Boemare, C.; Soares, M.J.; Monteiro, T. | article |  |
30-Apr-2009 | Synthesis and optical properties of a lithium niobiosilicate glass doped with europium | Graça, M.P.F.; Valente, M.A.; Silva, C.C.; Peres, M.; Cruz, A.; Soares, M.J.; Neves, A.J.; Monteiro, T. | article |  |
Jan-2006 | Synthesis, surface modification and optical properties of Tb 3+-doped ZnO nanocrystals | Pereira, A.S.; Peres, M.; Soares, M.J.; Alves, E.; Neves, A.; Monteiro, T.; Trindade, T. | article |  |
2004 | The Role of Microstructure in Luminescent Properties of Er-doped Nanocrystalline Si Thin Films | Stepikhova, M.V.; Cerqueira, M.F.; Losurdo, M.; Giangregorio, M.M.; Alves, E.; Monteiro, T.; Soares, M.J. | article |  |
Apr-2004 | The visible and near IR photoluminescent response of nc-Si:Er thin films produced by rf sputtering | Cerqueira, M.F.; Monteiro, T.; Stepikhova, M.V.; Losurdo, M.; Soares, M.J.; Gomes, I. | article |  |
31-Jul-2022 | Thermal sensing in NIR to visible upconversion of Ho3+ and Yb3+ doped yttrium oxyfluoride phosphor | Jakka, S.K.; Soares, M.J.; Graça, M.P.F.; Neves, A.J.; Nagajyothi, P.C.; K, Pavani | article |  |
2007 | Visible and infrared photoluminescence from erbium-doped silicon nanocrystals produced by rf sputtering | Cerqueira, M.F.; Losurdo, M.; Monteiro, T.; Stepikova, M.; Soares, M.J.; Peres, M.; Alpuim, P. | article |  |