Browsing by Author Prates, Pedro A.

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Showing results 2 to 11 of 11 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
Feb-2024Identification of sheet metal constitutive parameters using metamodeling of the biaxial tensile test on a cruciform specimenParreira, Tomás G.; Marques, Armando E.; Sakharova, Nataliya A.; Prates, Pedro A.; Pereira, André F. G.articleopenAccess
2025Machine learning application to the identification of sheet metal constitutive model parametersMarques, Armando E.; Parreira, Tomás G.; Pereira, André F. G.; Ribeiro, Bernardete M.; Prates, Pedro A.articleopenAccess
15-Oct-2024Machine learning applications in sheet metal constitutive Modelling: a reviewMarques, Armando E.; Parreira, Tomás G.; Pereira, André F. G.; Ribeiro, Bernardete M.; Prates, Pedro A.articleopenAccess
24-Oct-2022Machine learning for predicting fracture strain in sheet metal formingMarques, Armando E.; Dib, Mario A.; Khalfallah, Ali; Soares, Martinho S.; Oliveira, Marta C.; Fernandes, José V.; Ribeiro, Bernardete M.; Prates, Pedro A.articleopenAccess
2022Machine learning for the prediction of edge cracking in sheet metal forming processesMarques, Armando E.; Prates, Pedro A.; Fonseca, Ana R.; Oliveira, Marta C.; Soares, Martinho S.; Fernandes, José V.; Ribeiro, Bernardete M.bookPartembargoedAccess
29-Jan-2025Numerical study on continuous-bending-under-tension of 3rd generation steelPereira, João F. A.; Prates, Pedro A.; Butuc, Marilena C.; Vincze, GabrielaarticleopenAccess
28-Feb-2022On the development of dataset supported strategies for the constitutive parameters identification of metal sheetsPrates, Pedro A.; Pereira, André F. G.; Fernandes, José V.; Sakharova, NataliyaconferenceObjectopenAccess
Jul-2022On the identification of material constitutive model parameters using machine learning algorithmsMarques, Armando; Pereira, André; Ribeiro, Bernardete; Prates, Pedro A.articleopenAccess
Apr-2024Sensitivity analysis of the square cup forming process using PAWN and Sobol indicesParreira, Tomás G.; Rodrigues, Diogo C.; Oliveira, Marta C.; Sakharova, Nataliya A.; Prates, Pedro A.; Pereira, André F. G.articleopenAccess
2022Variance-Based Sensitivity Analysis of the Biaxial Test on a Cruciform SpecimenPereira, André F.G.; Oliveira, Marta C.; Fernandes, José V.; Prates, Pedro A.articleopenAccess