Browsing by Author Miguel, Ana Flávia

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Showing results 25 to 34 of 34 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeAccess Type
Jul-2023Raciality, Gender and Music Flows in the Context of Commercial Recordings: Three Case Studies in Portuguese-Speaking CountriesMiguel, Ana FláviaconferenceObjectopenAccess
2011Resenha de livro: O'Connell, John Morgan; Castelo-Branco, Salwa El-Shawan. Music and Conflict. Urbana, Chicago e Springfield: University of Illinois Press, 2010Miguel, Ana FláviareviewopenAccess
Oct-2024As singularidades da candidatura do Kola San Jon a património cultural imaterial em PortugalMiguel, Ana FláviaconferenceObjectopenAccess
2016Skopeologias: músicas e saberes sensíveis na construção partilhada do conhecimentoMiguel, Ana FláviadoctoralThesisopenAccess
2021Sounds, memories and cultural heritage in Aveiro: the SOMA project and the case of the feast of São GonçalinhoMiguel, Ana FláviaconferenceObjectopenAccess
2018Svanibor Pettan. “The idea of creating an ICTM study group with focus on applied ethnomusicology was in my mind for years”Miguel, Ana FláviaarticleopenAccess
12-Jul-2019The implications of the 3 O’s policy on building collaborative sound archives: the SOMA projectMiguel, Ana FláviaconferenceObjectopenAccess
Oct-2021Transdisciplinary sound experiences about Festa de São GonçalinhoCurinier, Antoine; Miguel, Ana FláviaconferenceObjectopenAccess
Jul-2022Ways of doing ethnomusicology: challenges and limitsMiguel, Ana Flávia; Marques, VitorconferenceObjectopenAccess
Jun-2022Whispers on the day when a sound piece is finishedMiguel, Ana FláviabookPartopenAccess