Showing results 4 to 18 of 18
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Type | Access Type |
2009 | Face counting on an Acyclic Birkhoff polytope | Costa, L.; Fonseca, C. M. da; Martins, E. A. | article |  |
Apr-2012 | Faces of faces of the acyclic Birkhoff polytope | Costa, L.; Martins, E. A. | article |  |
2010 | Faces of faces of the tridiagonal Birkhoff polytope | Costa, L.; Martins, E. A. | article |  |
2011 | A generalization of fiedler's lemma and some applications | Cardoso, Domingos M.; Gutman, I.; Martins, E. A.; Robbiano, M. | article |  |
2001 | On similarity invariants of matrix commutators | Furtado, S.; Martins, E. A.; Silva, F. C. | article |  |
2005 | On similarity invariants of matrix commutators and Jordan products | Furtado, S.; Martins, E. A.; Silva, F. C. | article |  |
2003 | On the eigenvalues of Jordan products | Martins, E. A.; Silva, F. C. | article |  |
2003 | On the invariant polynomials of Jordan products | Martins, E. A.; Silva, F. C. | article |  |
1997 | On the number of invariant polynomials of matrix commutators | Martins, E. A.; Silva, F. C. | article |  |
2008 | On the spectra of some graphs like weighted rooted trees | Fernandes, R.; Gomes, H.; Martins, E. A. | article |  |
6-Mar-2013 | Spectra of graphs obtained by a generalization of the join graph operation | Cardoso, Domingos M.; Freitas, M. A. A. de; Martins, E. A.; Robbiano, M. | article |  |
2011 | Spectra of weighted rooted graphs having prescribed subgraphs at some levels | Rojo, O.; Robbiano, M.; Cardoso, D. M.; Martins, E. A. | article |  |
2008 | The diameter of the acyclic Birkhoff polytope | Costa, L.; Fonseca, C. M. da; Martins, E. A. | article |  |
2009 | The number of faces of the tridiagonal Birkhoff polytope | Costa, L.; Fonseca, C. M. da; Martins, E. A. | article |  |
2010 | Upper bounds on the Laplacian energy of some graphs | Robbiano, M.; Martins, E. A.; Jiménez, R.; Martín, B. S. | article |  |